Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5


1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Course Type ECTS
ADL101 Civil Law-I TR Z 5
ADL103 Fundamental Legal Concepts and Judicial Organization TR Z 4
ADL105 Constitutional Law TR Z 5
ADL107 Keyboard Techniques-I TR Z 3
ATA101 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution-I TR Z 2
BIL101 Informatics Literacy (ECDL / ICDL) TR Z 2
ING101 English I TR Z 3
MYO101 Communication Skills TR Z 3
TDL101 Turkish Language-I TR Z 2
S 1
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Course Type ECTS
ADL102 Civil Law-II TR Z 5
ADL104 Notification Law TR Z 3
ADL106 Law of Obligations - General Provisions TR Z 4
ADL108 Criminal Law (General Provisions) TR Z 5
ADL110 Keyboard Techniques-II TR Z 3
ATA102 Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution-II TR Z 2
ING102 English II TR Z 3
KRG102 Career Development TR Z 2
TDL102 Turkish Language-II TR Z 2
S 1
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Course Type ECTS
ADL201 Commercial Law-I TR Z 4
ADL203 Civil Procedure Law TR Z 4
ADL205 Criminal Procedure Law TR Z 5
ADL207 Labor Law TR Z 4
ADL209 Tax Law TR Z 4
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S 3
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4. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Course Type ECTS
ADL202 Commercial Law II TR Z 4
ADL204 Research Techniques TR Z 4
ADL206 Attorneyship and Notary Law TR Z 2
ADL208 Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law TR Z 4
ADL210 Introduction to Administrative Law TR Z 4
ADL212 Legal Justification and Correspondence TR Z 3
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S 3
S 3