Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

General Information about the Course

Course Code: BGP202
Course Title: Graphic Design
Course Semester: 4. Semester / Spring
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
1 2 2 5
Language of instruction: TR
Prerequisite of the course: No
Type of course: Necessary
Level of course:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Course Lecturer(s): Lecturer.Emine Çıkılı

Purpose and content of the course

Course Objectives: Today, learning the techniques, ideas and design produced in the field of graphic design in the world, learning basic graphic design strategies and presenting these strategies as design applications in many programs such as Adobe IIlustrator and Adobe Photoshop are carried out today.
Course Objective: To ensure that graphic design students have the knowledge and equipment to transfer the produced ideas and designs to graphic design programs in the computer environment.
Mode of Delivery: Face to face

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
  1) Recognizes contemporary, original, aesthetic and applicable graphic design products Recognizes relevant principles in the basic fields of communication, design and graphic design. Recognizes relevant principles in the basic fields of communication, design and graphic design.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
  1) He has the ability to present, exhibit and implement his designs, projects.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
  1) Independently prepares the idea, draft, concept creation, implementation and printing processes in creating a graphic design product.
  2) Knows the design, application and printing stages.
  3) Will be able to correctly apply the ideas and designs produced in the field of graphic design within team work, have knowledge and work in harmony with the team in the field of design and production.
  4) Plans the creation, application and production stages of graphic design. Visualizes designs using graphic programs on the computer. He has a level of ability to produce graphic design products and to be able to transfer them to the aesthetic perspective and program.

Course Topics

Week Subject
Related Preparation Pekiştirme
1) Introducing the Graphic Design course and giving information about the purpose, process, expectations and evaluation. Introducing and teaching graphic design programs.
2) Basic concepts, color information, historical development of graphic design and examination of products with visuals. Examination of the impact of technology on graphic design.
3) Giving information about graphic design principles and terms, drawing techniques in Illustrator program and Preliminary design preparation and providing detailed information about the project.
4) Holistic consideration of the project design - subject, target audience and usage patterns in the Illustrator program, clarification of the project and development of the design.
5) Developing techniques for using the Illustrator program and continuing to develop design projects.
6) Continuing to apply basic graphic design knowledge and techniques in the Illustrator program on the design project and teaching techniques for using the design element typography.
7) Checking the final version of the design project and completing the deficiencies on the basis of graphic design.
8) Introducing and teaching the Photoshop program and teaching the basic techniques of design projects.
9) Developing and continuing design projects in the Photoshop program, and providing information on design, advertising and marketing elements of graphic design on media and outdoor spaces.
10) Continuing design projects in Photoshop and providing information about digital and printing techniques.
11) Continuing design projects in the Photoshop program and improving the deficiencies on basic concepts, as well as developing a strategy on the media in which the design projects will be used.
12) Continuing design projects in the Photoshop program and exchanging ideas to expand students' design perceptions.
13) Checking the final version of the design project and completing the deficiencies on the basis of graphic design and providing print printing and digital platform publishing techniques.
14) Integrating and delivering design projects with design fundamentals and techniques on printed and digital platforms.
References: KARAÇEPER, S. (2018). Dijital Teknoloji ve Grafik Tasarımda Yenilikler.
BEKTAŞ. D. ( 1992). Çağdaş Grafik Tasarımın Gelişimi. İstanbul :Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
İletişim ve grafik tasarım / Emre Becer.
Görsel grafik tasarım sözlüğü / Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris ; çeviren: Bilge Barhana.

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları







Program Outcomes
1) Understand the basic concepts and terminology of computer science.
2) Ability to write code in widely used programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python.
3) In-depth knowledge of algorithms and data structures.
4) To have knowledge about planning, execution and management of software projects.
5) To have knowledge about database design, management and SQL querying.
6) To have knowledge about computer networks, internet technologies and communication protocols.
7) Ability to write effective code in various programming languages and platforms.
8) Ability to solve complex problems with algorithmic thinking.
9) Ability to develop software solutions using mathematical and logical thinking skills.
10) Database creation, management and querying skills.
11) Ability to develop web applications with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and related frameworks.
12) Mobile application development skills for Android and iOS platforms.
13) To be able to work effectively in a team in software development processes.
14) Skills to plan, execute and manage software projects.
15) Continuous learning competence by following the innovations and current developments in technology.
16) Ability to communicate effectively with technical and non-technical stakeholders.
17) Adopting innovative approaches in software projects with creative thinking.
18) Having the necessary motivation for self-learning and professional development.
19) To bring the ideas and designs produced in the field of graphic design to the level of being able to apply them correctly within team work, to have the knowledge and to work harmoniously with the team in the field of design and production.
20) Plans the creation, application and production stages of graphic design. Visualizes designs using graphic programs on the computer.

Course Teaching, Learning Methods

Q & A
Case Problem Solving/ Drama- Role/ Case Management
Quantitative Problem Solving
Group Study / Assignment
Individual Assignment
WEB-based Learning
Practice in Field
Project Preparation
Report Writing
Social Activity
Occupational Activity
Occupational Trip
Application (Modelling, Design, Model, Simulation, Experiment et.)
Thesis Preparation
Field Study
Student Club and Council Activities
Interview and Oral Conversation
Watching a movie
Bibliography preparation
Oral, inscribed and visual knowledge production
Taking photographs
Mapping and marking
Reading maps
Copying textures
Creating a library of materials

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance % 0
Laboratory % 0
Application % 0
Practice Exam % 0
Quizzes % 0
Homework Assignments % 0
Presentation % 0
Project % 0
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) % 0
Field Study % 0
Article Critical % 0
Article Writing % 0
Module Group Study % 0
Brainstorming % 0
Role Playing + Dramatizing % 0
Out of Class Study % 0
Preliminary Work, Reinforcement 2 % 0
Application Repetition etc. % 0
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.) % 0
Project Preparation + Presentation % 0
Report Preparation + Presentation % 0
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting % 0
Oral examination % 0
Midterms 1 % 40
Final 1 % 60
Report Submission % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Kanaat Notu % 0
Committee % 0
Yazma Ödev Dosyası % 0
Portfolio % 0
Take-Home Exam % 0
Logbook % 0
Discussion % 0
Participation % 0
total % 100
total % 100

Calculation of Workload and ECTS Credits

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 42
Application 14 28
Practice Exam
Special Course Internship (Work Placement)
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class
Article Critical
Article Writing
Module Group Study
Role Playing + Dramatizing
Out-of-Class Study (Pre-study, Reinforcement, Practice Review, etc.) 6 12
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.) 12 24
Project Preparation + Presentation
Report Preparation + Presentation
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting
Oral examination
Preparing for Midterm Exams 6 24
Preparing for the General Exam 8 32
GENERAL EXAM (Final) 1 1
Take-Home Exam
Total Workload 164
ECTS (30 saat = 1 AKTS ) 5