Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

General Information about the Course

Course Code: SBG209
Course Title: Massage Techniques
Course Semester: 3. Semester / Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
1 2 3 4
Language of instruction: TR
Prerequisite of the course: No
Type of course: Necessary
Level of course:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Course Lecturer(s): Meral Yüncü

Purpose and content of the course

Course Objectives: In this course, the student is primarily asked to get to know his own body, to make them aware of what kind of change and transformation happens in the body when it is touched and in what way. The importance of breathing, the ability to work and protect one's own body while applying massage, to strengthen one's muscles and to pay attention to nutrition, to gain competence in applying basic face, body and local massage with massage techniques, and to massage with cultural and special massage techniques.
Shows due respect and care for the privacy of the people it serves.
She/he attaches importance to personal hygiene as required by his profession.

Course Objective: Basic body massage includes classical (Sweden) massage, lymph drainage massage, aroma therapy massage, stone massage, Ayurvedic massage, Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, such as many massage techniques, distinguishing the difference between them and combining and applying according to the client's body damage is aimed.
Mode of Delivery: Face to face

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
  1) First of all, to enable them to know their own body and thus the body of the other person, and to realize what kind of changes and transformations occur in the body when touched, where and in what way;
  2) He attaches importance to personal hygiene as required by his profession.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
  1) It is aimed to gain the competencies of applying basic face, body and local massage with massage techniques and massage with cultural and special massage techniques.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
  1) To increase the importance of breathing, to increase the awareness that when applying massage, it is necessary to work and protect one's own body, to strengthen one's muscles and to pay attention to nutrition,
  2) Shows due respect and care for the privacy of the people it serves.

Course Topics

Week Subject
Related Preparation Pekiştirme
1) History of Massage Definition and Importance of Massage Massage Types Resting Massage Sports Massage Treatment Massage (Rehabilitation Massage) Aesthetic and Beauty massage Planning of Massage
2) Main Objectives of Massage, Principles of Massage, Things to Do Before Massage, Points to Be Considered in Massage, Things to Do After Massage, Areas of Effect of Massage, Physiological Effects of Massage, Psychological Effects of Massage
3) Anatomy and Physiology, Anatomy: Skeletal and Muscular System, Joints, Physiology: Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Excretory System, Nervous System, Movement System, Hormonal System
4) Planning of Massage, Types of Massage, Duration of Massage, Frequency of Massage, Selection of Manipulation, Conditions Where Massage Is Not Performed.
5) Massage Room, Features of the Massage Room, Massage and Hygiene, Temperature of the Massage Room, Light of the Massage Room, Decoration of the Massage Room, Sound and Insulation in the Massage Room, Ventilation in the massage room
6) Preparation of the Client, Preparation, Language of Communication, Massage and Nutrition, Appropriate Positions and Arc in Massage, Preparation of the Masseur or Masonuse, Qualifications of the Massage Element, Personal Cleanliness and Hygiene of the Massage Element, Warm-Up Movements Before Massage
7) Contact with Customer
8) Midterm Exam (Midterm)
9) Eruption (Plastering) Classical Eruption Corrugated Eflöraj Throwaway Eflöraj Hand On Hair Relief Eflöraj Manipulations
10) Friction (Circular Movements) Thumb Friction Four Finger Friction Palm Friction Deep Friction Hand Comb Friction Hand Supported Friction (Lamb's Ear) Friction Manipulations
11) Petrisage (Kneading) One Hand Petrisaj Double Hand Petrisaj Finger Petrisage Flat Manual Petrisaj Circular Petrisage Ironing Rolling Pickup (Pinchik) Petrisage Manipulations
13) Percussion (Shooting) Boulting Hasman (Undermining) Tapotmen (Printed Knocking) Klakman (Palm Voice Knocking) Percussion Manipulations
14) Vibration (Titreme) Vibrasyon Manipülasyonları Vakumlama (Baby Massageı) Vakumlama Manipülasyonları
15) Slider Products Used in Massage Fixed Oils Properties of Fixed Oils Essential Oils Properties of Essential Oils Selection of Essential Oil Suitable for the Process to be Applied Selection and Use of Aromatic Oils Leaf Oils Mixing Ratios of Oils
16) Final Exam
References: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı onaylı masaj ders kitapları, masaj teknikleri kitapları, anatomi ve fizyoloji kitapları, masaj slaytları ve uygulamalar.

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları






Program Outcomes
1) Knows skin types and structures.
2) Knows the hygiene steps to be followed before and after all procedures. 3 3 3 3 3
3) Knows the legal regulations and regulations in force in the hair care and beauty services industry. 2 2 2 2 2
4) She/He has professional knowledge of anatomy and physiology. 3 3 3 3 3
5) Knows cosmetic products.
6) Knows the points to be considered in epilation application.
7) Knows basic make-up application.
8) She/He has basic knowledge about the field of "Permanent Make-up".
9) She/He has basic knowledge about the field of "Stage and Lens Make-up".
10) With the theoretical and practical courses she/he takes, she/he can determine her skin type and care practices by performing skin analysis.
11) Can care for hands, feet and nails.
12) Can do body and skin care.
13) Can apply Basic Makeup.
14) Can apply massage techniques. 3 3 3 3 3
15) Can communicate effectively with customers and colleagues. 3 3 3 3 3
16) By improving the perception of aesthetics and beauty, one can apply new hair cutting techniques and make-up techniques.
17) Knows the holistic approach to the concept of beauty. 3 3 3 3 3
18) Can be a business manager in the hair care and beauty services industry.
19) It can save its customers from mediocrity by bringing unique innovations in image and style creation.
20) Can do personalized haircuts and coloring.

Course Teaching, Learning Methods

Q & A
Case Problem Solving/ Drama- Role/ Case Management
Quantitative Problem Solving
Group Study / Assignment
Individual Assignment
WEB-based Learning
Practice in Field
Project Preparation
Report Writing
Social Activity
Occupational Activity
Occupational Trip
Application (Modelling, Design, Model, Simulation, Experiment et.)
Thesis Preparation
Field Study
Student Club and Council Activities
Interview and Oral Conversation
Watching a movie
Bibliography preparation
Oral, inscribed and visual knowledge production
Taking photographs
Mapping and marking
Reading maps
Copying textures
Creating a library of materials

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance % 0
Laboratory % 0
Application % 0
Practice Exam 1 % 10
Quizzes % 0
Homework Assignments % 0
Presentation % 0
Project % 0
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) % 0
Field Study % 0
Article Critical % 0
Article Writing % 0
Module Group Study % 0
Brainstorming % 0
Role Playing + Dramatizing % 0
Out of Class Study % 0
Preliminary Work, Reinforcement % 0
Application Repetition etc. % 0
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.) % 0
Project Preparation + Presentation % 0
Report Preparation + Presentation % 0
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting % 0
Oral examination % 0
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 60
Report Submission % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Kanaat Notu % 0
Committee % 0
Yazma Ödev Dosyası % 0
Portfolio % 0
Take-Home Exam % 0
Logbook % 0
Discussion % 0
Participation % 0
total % 100
total % 100

Calculation of Workload and ECTS Credits

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 14
Application 14 28
Practice Exam
Special Course Internship (Work Placement)
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 14 28
Article Critical
Article Writing
Module Group Study
Role Playing + Dramatizing
Out-of-Class Study (Pre-study, Reinforcement, Practice Review, etc.) 14 28
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.)
Project Preparation + Presentation
Report Preparation + Presentation
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting
Oral examination
Preparing for Midterm Exams 3 9
Preparing for the General Exam 5 11
GENERAL EXAM (Final) 1 1
Take-Home Exam
Total Workload 120
ECTS (30 saat = 1 AKTS ) 4