Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6


▪ Exams are evaluated out of 100 full marks. End of year success grade; It is the grade obtained by adding 40% of the year's grade point average and 60% of the year-end exam grade.
▪ For general information about the exam regulations and measurement and evaluation processes, see "Istanbul Kent University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Training" and you can benefit from the Exam Regulations. The measurement and evaluation methods applied for each course are determined by the relevant faculty members and are included in the "course content information". The measurement and evaluation methods used to achieve the anticipated learning outcomes of the Istanbul Kent University Faculty of Dentistry undergraduate program are stated together with the learning outcomes.
Measurement and evaluation methods:
•Midterm Exam
•Final Exam
•Oral Exam
•Practical Exams:
1. Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (NYKS/OSCE),
2. Objective Structured Practice Exams (NYPS/OSPE),
3. Case-Based Assessment Exams (OTDS),
4. Assignment or project-based assessment (PTD).