Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General Information about the Course

Course Code: IKU-Z-212
Course Title: University Life
Course Semester: 2. Semester / Spring
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
1 0 1 1
Language of instruction: TR
Prerequisite of the course: No
Type of course: Üniversite Seçmeli
Level of course:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Course Lecturer(s): Melek Kurt

Purpose and content of the course

Course Objectives: Getting to know the university, adopting the mission, vision and values ​​of our university, learning how to benefit from scientific and social activities.
Course Objective: To provide our students with an easy and enjoyable start to university life and to create a strong foundation for the following years.
Mode of Delivery: E-Learning

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge (Described as Theoritical and/or Factual Knowledge.)
  1) 1. Students are taught the resources that can improve their development and development at the University. 2. It provides information about the academic and administrative structure of the university.
Skills (Describe as Cognitive and/or Practical Skills.)
  1) 1. Access opportunities and methods are provided to the necessary resources for academic and individual development at the university.
Competences (Described as "Ability of the learner to apply knowledge and skills autonomously with responsibility", "Learning to learn"," Communication and social" and "Field specific" competences.)
  1) 1. Students recognize the organizational structure and have an idea. 2. They develop their entrepreneurship and persuasion skills by engaging in activity-oriented initiatives. 3. They have a command of resource usage and planning.

Course Topics

Week Subject
Related Preparation Pekiştirme
1) University Life Course Objectives and Goals, History of the University, University Definition, Purpose and Functions, What is Higher Education?, Academic and Administrative Hierarchical Structure of Higher Education Institutions and Universities, Number of Universities of Countries, Universities in Turkey, Keywords Necessary for Academic Life.
2) Let's get to know our university Mission – Vision Belonging Adjustment to University Life
3) Self-Knowledge (Self-Awareness, Self-Awareness) Goal Setting Time Management
4) Confidence Assertiveness Active Listening
5) What is Communication? Communication Purpose, Importance, Characteristics Communication Process and Elements Communication Types, Effective communication Communication Barriers Body Language, Meanings
6) Social Behavior and Etiquette in Social Life
7) general evaluation
8) Istanbul Kent University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations
9) Disciplinary Penalties, Disciplinary Offenses, Disciplinary Regulations
10) Making and Implementation Process of Student Disciplinary Investigation
11) Letter, Petition, Resume, e-mail, Official Correspondence Rules
12) Student Clubs and memberships at the University
13) Project Assignment Preparation, Effective Presentation Techniques
14) general evaluation
References: 1. "Üniversite Öğreniminde Başarının Tekniği"Prof. Dr. Bilge Umar (2008),
2. "Üniversite Yaşamına Uyum",Doç. Dr. Ebru Özgür Güler, Didem Keskin (2019),
3. "Üniversite ve Hayat Yolunda Başarı"Temel Demir (2017)
4."Genç Yetişkinler için Hayat Becerileri" Esra Ersayan, Muhsine Itır Özgen, Rengin Işık Akın, Pınar Özbek, Bülent Kılıç (2015)
5. "Temel Bir Dil Becerisi Olarak Dinleme ve Dinleme Eğitimi"Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl 6, Sayı:11, (Ocak 2013)
6. "Etkili İletişim Kitapçığı"Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Mayıs 2020)
7. "Özgüven Üzerine Bir Derleme"Nagehan Kaya, Nuray Taştan, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (KÜSBD)Cilt 10, Sayı 2, Sayfa 297-312, (Temmuz 2020),
8. "Tarihsel Süreç İçinde Üniversite Misyonlarının Oluşumu"Ömer Lütfi Antalyalı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Yıl: 2007/2, Sayı: 6,
9."1960'lara Kadar Türkiye'de ilk Üniversitelerin Kuruluşu"Eren Kömürlü, Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi, Nisan 2019, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, Sayfa: 35-42,
10."Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Yaşam Amaçları, Eğitsel Hedefleri, Üniversite Öğreniminden Beklentileri ve Memnuniyet Durumları"İdris Şahin, Yunus Remzi Zoraloğlu, Necla Şahin Fırat, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, (2011) Cilt 17, Sayı 3, ss: 429-452,
11."Etkili İletişim Becerileri ve Beden Dili"Gülcan Üstünsel, (2011) Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
12."Sunum Atölyesi" H. Handan Öztürk 2014,
13."Topluluk Önünde Etkili konuşma" Sırrı Er, 2020
14."Yeni Görgü Kuralları"Akın Alıcı 2022,
15."Kamusal ve Toplumsal Yaşamda Görgü Kuralları, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Yaşar Yılmaz, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özer Yılmaz 3.Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, 2018
16."Gündelik HAyatta Görgü ve Nezaket Kuralları" Sabiha Doğan 2020
17."Görgü ve Nezaket Kuralları" Şükrü Esirci, Bilgi Yayınevi 2021
18.web sitesi, YÖK Mevzuatı (https://www.yok.gov.tr/kurumsal/mevzuat)

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Average 3 Highest
Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları




Program Outcomes
1) xxx
2) xxx
3) xxx
4) xxx
5) xxx
6) xxx
7) xxx
8) xxx
9) xxx
10) xxx
11) xxx
12) xxx
13) xxx
14) xxx

Course Teaching, Learning Methods

Q & A
Case Problem Solving/ Drama- Role/ Case Management
Quantitative Problem Solving
Group Study / Assignment
Individual Assignment
WEB-based Learning
Practice in Field
Project Preparation
Report Writing
Social Activity
Occupational Activity
Occupational Trip
Application (Modelling, Design, Model, Simulation, Experiment et.)
Thesis Preparation
Field Study
Student Club and Council Activities
Interview and Oral Conversation
Watching a movie
Bibliography preparation
Oral, inscribed and visual knowledge production
Taking photographs
Mapping and marking
Reading maps
Copying textures
Creating a library of materials

Evaluation System

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance % 0
Laboratory % 0
Application % 0
Practice Exam % 0
Quizzes % 0
Homework Assignments % 0
Presentation % 0
Project % 0
Special Course Internship (Work Placement) % 0
Field Study % 0
Article Critical % 0
Article Writing % 0
Module Group Study % 0
Brainstorming % 0
Role Playing + Dramatizing % 0
Out of Class Study % 0
Preliminary Work, Reinforcement % 0
Application Repetition etc. % 0
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.) % 0
Project Preparation + Presentation % 0
Report Preparation + Presentation % 0
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting % 0
Oral examination % 0
Midterms 1 % 40
Final 1 % 60
Report Submission % 0
Bütünleme % 0
Kanaat Notu % 0
Committee % 0
Yazma Ödev Dosyası % 0
Portfolio % 0
Take-Home Exam % 0
Logbook % 0
Discussion % 0
Participation % 0
total % 100
total % 100

Calculation of Workload and ECTS Credits

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 14
Practice Exam
Special Course Internship (Work Placement)
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class
Article Critical
Article Writing
Module Group Study
Role Playing + Dramatizing
Out-of-Class Study (Pre-study, Reinforcement, Practice Review, etc.)
Homework (reading, writing, watching movies, etc.)
Project Preparation + Presentation
Report Preparation + Presentation
Presentation / Seminar Preparation + Presenting
Oral examination
Preparing for Midterm Exams 7 7
Preparing for the General Exam 14 14
GENERAL EXAM (Final) 1 1
Take-Home Exam
Total Workload 37
ECTS (30 saat = 1 AKTS ) 1